Network Down

When a transaction fails to send to the EHR, Propel Rx attempts to resend. After a maximum number of retries, the prompt similar to the following appears, and the transaction is placed in the EHR Queue.

In a batch, if the first prescription fails to send to the EHR, subsequent prescriptions are automatically added to the Network Down queue in the EHR Queue tile. The prescriptions bypass EHR submission but proceed with financial adjudication.

If a patient has a transaction in the EHR Queue, a blue Q indicator appears in the following locations:

  • Patient Folder information bar beside the patient name

  • On the Rx Detail EHR tab if the transaction was for a prescription

  • Beside the EHR checkbox for non-prescription transactions (e.g., notes, DUR)

    When the network is down, you can add clinical records locally, but you will need to send them from the EHR Queue tile when the network is back up.

If the network is unavailable, you have the following options:

Sending Transactions When the Network is Restored

When the EHR Network is restored, you can proceed to upload the transactions from the EHR Queue.

Open another instance of Propel Rx to send queued transactions so you can continue to fill prescriptions in your current session.

To send EHR Queued transactions:

  1. If the EHR Availability was previously set to No, complete steps a - e below:

    1. Select More (...) > Province Name (e.g., Saskatchewan) > EHR Preferences. The EHR Preferences window opens.

    2. Dropdown the EHR Availability field and select Yes. The EHR Availability window opens.

    3. Enter a reason for changing the Availability.

    4. Select OK to close the EHR Availability window.

    5. Select OK to close the EHR Preferences window.

  2. Select the EHR Queue tile on the Workbench.

  3. Select the applicable row from the tree view on the left.

    • If you want to send all transactions for a specific type (e.g., Network Down), select the row for that type.

    • If you want to send transactions for a specific patient, select the applicable patient row.

  4. On the Detailed Transactions view on the right, select the checkboxes for the transactions you wish to send.

    Network Down transactions are automatically selected for sending from the Network Down queue. This is to ensure the transactions are sent in the appropriate order.

  5. Select Send. Propel Rx sends the transactions in order by creation date.

    • If a Detected Issue is returned for a transaction, it must be managed before subsequent transactions can be sent. If the Detected Issue is unmanageable, a prompt gives you the option to abandon the transaction.

    • If a transaction fails to send after 5 attempts, a prompt appears indicating the number of transactions that were cancelled, rejected, or abandoned. These transactions remain in the EHR Queue.

    • The number of successful transactions that were sent are returned in a prompt.

In Saskatchewan, prescriptions that were filled when the Network was down are added to the Non-DIS Transactions Report with a status of Queued. Once the Network is restored and the prescription is successfully submitted to the EHR, it will be removed from the report.